= 0 ; $i--) { $result .= $binValue{$i}; } return $result; } function packDouble($value, $mode = 'LE') { $value = (double)$value; $bin = pack("d", $value); //We test if the conversion of an integer (1) is done as LE or BE by default switch (pack ('L', 1)) { case pack ('V', 1): //Little Endian $result = ($mode == 'LE') ? $bin : swap($bin); break; case pack ('N', 1): //Big Endian $result = ($mode == 'BE') ? $bin : swap($bin); break; default: //Some other thing, we just return false $result = FALSE; } return $result; } /** * ShapeFile class * * @package bfShapeFiles */ class ShapeFile { var $FileName; var $SHPFile; var $SHXFile; var $DBFFile; var $DBFHeader; var $lastError = ""; var $boundingBox = array("xmin" => 0.0, "ymin" => 0.0, "xmax" => 0.0, "ymax" => 0.0); var $fileLength = 0; var $shapeType = 0; var $records; function ShapeFile($shapeType, $boundingBox = array("xmin" => 0.0, "ymin" => 0.0, "xmax" => 0.0, "ymax" => 0.0), $FileName = NULL) { $this->shapeType = $shapeType; $this->boundingBox = $boundingBox; $this->FileName = $FileName; $this->fileLength = 50; } function loadFromFile($FileName) { $this->FileName = $FileName; if (($this->_openSHPFile()) && ($this->_openDBFFile())) { $this->_loadHeaders(); $this->_loadRecords(); $this->_closeSHPFile(); $this->_closeDBFFile(); } else { return false; } } function saveToFile($FileName = NULL) { if ($FileName != NULL) $this->FileName = $FileName; if (($this->_openSHPFile(TRUE)) && ($this->_openSHXFile(TRUE)) && ($this->_openDBFFile(TRUE))) { $this->_saveHeaders(); $this->_saveRecords(); $this->_closeSHPFile(); $this->_closeSHXFile(); $this->_closeDBFFile(); } else { return false; } } function addRecord($record) { if ((isset($this->DBFHeader)) && (is_array($this->DBFHeader))) { $record->updateDBFInfo($this->DBFHeader); } $this->fileLength += ($record->getContentLength() + 4); $this->records[] = $record; $this->records[count($this->records) - 1]->recordNumber = count($this->records); return (count($this->records) - 1); } function deleteRecord($index) { if (isset($this->records[$index])) { $this->fileLength -= ($this->records[$index]->getContentLength() + 4); for ($i = $index; $i < (count($this->records) - 1); $i++) { $this->records[$i] = $this->records[$i + 1]; } unset($this->records[count($this->records) - 1]); $this->_deleteRecordFromDBF($index); } } function getDBFHeader() { return $this->DBFHeader; } function setDBFHeader($header) { $this->DBFHeader = $header; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->records); $i++) { $this->records[$i]->updateDBFInfo($header); } } function getIndexFromDBFData($field, $value) { $result = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < (count($this->records) - 1); $i++) { if (isset($this->records[$i]->DBFData[$field]) && (strtoupper($this->records[$i]->DBFData[$field]) == strtoupper($value))) { $result = $i; } } return $result; } function _loadDBFHeader() { $DBFFile = fopen(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName), 'r'); $result = array(); $buff32 = array(); $i = 1; $inHeader = true; while ($inHeader) { if (!feof($DBFFile)) { $buff32 = fread($DBFFile, 32); if ($i > 1) { if (substr($buff32, 0, 1) == chr(13)) { $inHeader = false; } else { $pos = strpos(substr($buff32, 0, 10), chr(0)); $pos = ($pos == 0 ? 10 : $pos); $fieldName = substr($buff32, 0, $pos); $fieldType = substr($buff32, 11, 1); $fieldLen = ord(substr($buff32, 16, 1)); $fieldDec = ord(substr($buff32, 17, 1)); array_push($result, array($fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldLen, $fieldDec)); } } $i++; } else { $inHeader = false; } } fclose($DBFFile); return($result); } function _deleteRecordFromDBF($index) { if (@dbase_delete_record($this->DBFFile, $index)) { @dbase_pack($this->DBFFile); } } function _loadHeaders() { fseek($this->SHPFile, 24, SEEK_SET); $this->fileLength = loadData("N", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); fseek($this->SHPFile, 32, SEEK_SET); $this->shapeType = loadData("V", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); $this->boundingBox = array(); $this->boundingBox["xmin"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->boundingBox["ymin"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->boundingBox["xmax"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->boundingBox["ymax"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->DBFHeader = $this->_loadDBFHeader(); } function _saveHeaders() { fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("NNNNNN", 9994, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("N", $this->fileLength)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("V", 1000)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("V", $this->shapeType)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['xmin'])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['ymin'])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['xmax'])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['ymax'])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("dddd", 0, 0, 0, 0)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("NNNNNN", 9994, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("N", 50 + 4*count($this->records))); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("V", 1000)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("V", $this->shapeType)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['xmin'])); fwrite($this->SHXFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['ymin'])); fwrite($this->SHXFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['xmax'])); fwrite($this->SHXFile, packDouble($this->boundingBox['ymax'])); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("dddd", 0, 0, 0, 0)); } function _loadRecords() { fseek($this->SHPFile, 100); while (!feof($this->SHPFile)) { $bByte = ftell($this->SHPFile); $record = new ShapeRecord(-1); $record->loadFromFile($this->SHPFile, $this->DBFFile); $eByte = ftell($this->SHPFile); if (($eByte <= $bByte) || ($record->lastError != "")) { return false; } $this->records[] = $record; } } function _saveRecords() { if (file_exists(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))) { @unlink(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName)); } if (!($this->DBFFile = @dbase_create(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName), $this->DBFHeader))) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to create the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } $offset = 50; if (is_array($this->records) && (count($this->records) > 0)) { reset($this->records); while (list($index, $record) = each($this->records)) { //Save the record to the .shp file $record->saveToFile($this->SHPFile, $this->DBFFile, $index + 1); //Save the record to the .shx file fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("N", $offset)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack("N", $record->getContentLength())); $offset += (4 + $record->getContentLength()); } } @dbase_pack($this->DBFFile); } function _openSHPFile($toWrite = false) { $this->SHPFile = @fopen(str_replace('.*', '.shp', $this->FileName), ($toWrite ? "wb+" : "rb")); if (!$this->SHPFile) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to open the Shape file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.shp', $this->FileName))); } return TRUE; } function _closeSHPFile() { if ($this->SHPFile) { fclose($this->SHPFile); $this->SHPFile = NULL; } } function _openSHXFile($toWrite = false) { $this->SHXFile = @fopen(str_replace('.*', '.shx', $this->FileName), ($toWrite ? "wb+" : "rb")); if (!$this->SHXFile) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to open the Index file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.shx', $this->FileName))); } return TRUE; } function _closeSHXFile() { if ($this->SHXFile) { fclose($this->SHXFile); $this->SHXFile = NULL; } } function _openDBFFile($toWrite = false) { $checkFunction = $toWrite ? "is_writable" : "is_readable"; if (($toWrite) && (!file_exists(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName)))) { if (!@dbase_create(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName), $this->DBFHeader)) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to create the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } } if ($checkFunction(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))) { $this->DBFFile = dbase_open(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName), ($toWrite ? 2 : 0)); if (!$this->DBFFile) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to open the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } } else { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to find the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } return TRUE; } function _closeDBFFile() { if ($this->DBFFile) { dbase_close($this->DBFFile); $this->DBFFile = NULL; } } function setError($error) { $this->lastError = $error; return false; } } class ShapeRecord { var $SHPFile = NULL; var $DBFFile = NULL; var $recordNumber = NULL; var $shapeType = NULL; var $lastError = ""; var $SHPData = array(); var $DBFData = array(); function ShapeRecord($shapeType) { $this->shapeType = $shapeType; } function loadFromFile(&$SHPFile, &$DBFFile) { $this->SHPFile = $SHPFile; $this->DBFFile = $DBFFile; $this->_loadHeaders(); switch ($this->shapeType) { case 0: $this->_loadNullRecord(); break; case 1: $this->_loadPointRecord(); break; case 3: $this->_loadPolyLineRecord(); break; case 5: $this->_loadPolygonRecord(); break; case 8: $this->_loadMultiPointRecord(); break; default: $this->setError(sprintf("The Shape Type '%s' is not supported.", $this->shapeType)); break; } $this->_loadDBFData(); } function saveToFile(&$SHPFile, &$DBFFile, $recordNumber) { $this->SHPFile = $SHPFile; $this->DBFFile = $DBFFile; $this->recordNumber = $recordNumber; $this->_saveHeaders(); switch ($this->shapeType) { case 0: $this->_saveNullRecord(); break; case 1: $this->_savePointRecord(); break; case 3: $this->_savePolyLineRecord(); break; case 5: $this->_savePolygonRecord(); break; case 8: $this->_saveMultiPointRecord(); break; default: $this->setError(sprintf("The Shape Type '%s' is not supported.", $this->shapeType)); break; } $this->_saveDBFData(); } function updateDBFInfo($header) { $tmp = $this->DBFData; unset($this->DBFData); $this->DBFData = array(); reset($header); while (list($key, $value) = each($header)) { $this->DBFData[$value[0]] = (isset($tmp[$value[0]])) ? $tmp[$value[0]] : ""; } } function _loadHeaders() { $this->recordNumber = loadData("N", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); $tmp = loadData("N", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); //We read the length of the record $this->shapeType = loadData("V", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); } function _saveHeaders() { fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("N", $this->recordNumber)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("N", $this->getContentLength())); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("V", $this->shapeType)); } function _loadPoint() { $data = array(); $data["x"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $data["y"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); return $data; } function _savePoint($data) { fwrite($this->SHPFile, packDouble($data["x"])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, packDouble($data["y"])); } function _loadNullRecord() { $this->SHPData = array(); } function _saveNullRecord() { //Don't save anything } function _loadPointRecord() { $this->SHPData = $this->_loadPoint(); } function _savePointRecord() { $this->_savePoint($this->SHPData); } function _loadMultiPointRecord() { $this->SHPData = array(); $this->SHPData["xmin"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["ymin"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["xmax"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["ymax"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["numpoints"] = loadData("V", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->SHPData["numpoints"]; $i++) { $this->SHPData["points"][] = $this->_loadPoint(); } } function _saveMultiPointRecord() { fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("dddd", $this->SHPData["xmin"], $this->SHPData["ymin"], $this->SHPData["xmax"], $this->SHPData["ymax"])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("V", $this->SHPData["numpoints"])); for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->SHPData["numpoints"]; $i++) { $this->_savePoint($this->SHPData["points"][$i]); } } function _loadPolyLineRecord() { $this->SHPData = array(); $this->SHPData["xmin"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["ymin"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["xmax"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["ymax"] = loadData("d", fread($this->SHPFile, 8)); $this->SHPData["numparts"] = loadData("V", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); $this->SHPData["numpoints"] = loadData("V", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->SHPData["numparts"]; $i++) { $this->SHPData["parts"][$i] = loadData("V", fread($this->SHPFile, 4)); } $firstIndex = ftell($this->SHPFile); $readPoints = 0; reset($this->SHPData["parts"]); while (list($partIndex, $partData) = each($this->SHPData["parts"])) { if (!isset($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"]) || !is_array($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"])) { $this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex] = array(); $this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"] = array(); } while (!in_array($readPoints, $this->SHPData["parts"]) && ($readPoints < ($this->SHPData["numpoints"])) && !feof($this->SHPFile)) { $this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"][] = $this->_loadPoint(); $readPoints++; } } fseek($this->SHPFile, $firstIndex + ($readPoints*16)); } function _savePolyLineRecord() { fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("dddd", $this->SHPData["xmin"], $this->SHPData["ymin"], $this->SHPData["xmax"], $this->SHPData["ymax"])); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("VV", $this->SHPData["numparts"], $this->SHPData["numpoints"])); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->SHPData["numparts"]; $i++) { fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack("V", count($this->SHPData["parts"][$i]))); } reset($this->SHPData["parts"]); foreach ($this->SHPData["parts"] as $partData){ reset($partData["points"]); while (list($pointIndex, $pointData) = each($partData["points"])) { $this->_savePoint($pointData); } } } function _loadPolygonRecord() { $this->_loadPolyLineRecord(); } function _savePolygonRecord() { $this->_savePolyLineRecord(); } function addPoint($point, $partIndex = 0) { switch ($this->shapeType) { case 0: //Don't add anything break; case 1: //Substitutes the value of the current point $this->SHPData = $point; break; case 3: case 5: //Adds a new point to the selected part if (!isset($this->SHPData["xmin"]) || ($this->SHPData["xmin"] > $point["x"])) $this->SHPData["xmin"] = $point["x"]; if (!isset($this->SHPData["ymin"]) || ($this->SHPData["ymin"] > $point["y"])) $this->SHPData["ymin"] = $point["y"]; if (!isset($this->SHPData["xmax"]) || ($this->SHPData["xmax"] < $point["x"])) $this->SHPData["xmax"] = $point["x"]; if (!isset($this->SHPData["ymax"]) || ($this->SHPData["ymax"] < $point["y"])) $this->SHPData["ymax"] = $point["y"]; $this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"][] = $point; $this->SHPData["numparts"] = count($this->SHPData["parts"]); $this->SHPData["numpoints"]++; break; case 8: //Adds a new point if (!isset($this->SHPData["xmin"]) || ($this->SHPData["xmin"] > $point["x"])) $this->SHPData["xmin"] = $point["x"]; if (!isset($this->SHPData["ymin"]) || ($this->SHPData["ymin"] > $point["y"])) $this->SHPData["ymin"] = $point["y"]; if (!isset($this->SHPData["xmax"]) || ($this->SHPData["xmax"] < $point["x"])) $this->SHPData["xmax"] = $point["x"]; if (!isset($this->SHPData["ymax"]) || ($this->SHPData["ymax"] < $point["y"])) $this->SHPData["ymax"] = $point["y"]; $this->SHPData["points"][] = $point; $this->SHPData["numpoints"]++; break; default: $this->setError(sprintf("The Shape Type '%s' is not supported.", $this->shapeType)); break; } } function deletePoint($pointIndex = 0, $partIndex = 0) { switch ($this->shapeType) { case 0: //Don't delete anything break; case 1: //Sets the value of the point to zero $this->SHPData["x"] = 0.0; $this->SHPData["y"] = 0.0; break; case 3: case 5: //Deletes the point from the selected part, if exists if (isset($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]) && isset($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"][$pointIndex])) { for ($i = $pointIndex; $i < (count($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"]) - 1); $i++) { $this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"][$i] = $this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"][$i + 1]; } unset($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"][count($this->SHPData["parts"][$partIndex]["points"]) - 1]); $this->SHPData["numparts"] = count($this->SHPData["parts"]); $this->SHPData["numpoints"]--; } break; case 8: //Deletes the point, if exists if (isset($this->SHPData["points"][$pointIndex])) { for ($i = $pointIndex; $i < (count($this->SHPData["points"]) - 1); $i++) { $this->SHPData["points"][$i] = $this->SHPData["points"][$i + 1]; } unset($this->SHPData["points"][count($this->SHPData["points"]) - 1]); $this->SHPData["numpoints"]--; } break; default: $this->setError(sprintf("The Shape Type '%s' is not supported.", $this->shapeType)); break; } } function getContentLength() { switch ($this->shapeType) { case 0: $result = 0; break; case 1: $result = 10; break; case 3: case 5: $result = 22 + 2*count($this->SHPData["parts"]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->SHPData["parts"]); $i++) { $result += 8*count($this->SHPData["parts"][$i]["points"]); } break; case 8: $result = 20 + 8*count($this->SHPData["points"]); break; default: $result = false; $this->setError(sprintf("The Shape Type '%s' is not supported.", $this->shapeType)); break; } return $result; } function _loadDBFData() { $this->DBFData = @dbase_get_record_with_names($this->DBFFile, $this->recordNumber); unset($this->DBFData["deleted"]); } function _saveDBFData() { unset($this->DBFData["deleted"]); if ($this->recordNumber <= dbase_numrecords($this->DBFFile)) { if (!dbase_replace_record($this->DBFFile, array_values($this->DBFData), $this->recordNumber)) { $this->setError("I wasn't possible to update the information in the DBF file."); } } else { if (!dbase_add_record($this->DBFFile, array_values($this->DBFData))) { $this->setError("I wasn't possible to add the information to the DBF file."); } } } function setError($error) { $this->lastError = $error; return false; } } ?>