back to the welcome page if (! defined('IS_TRANSFORMATION_WRAPPER')) { $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->isSuccess(false); $response->addJSON( 'message', PMA_Message::error(__('No databases selected.')) ); } else { $url_params = array('reload' => 1); if (isset($message)) { $url_params['message'] = $message; } if (! empty($sql_query)) { $url_params['sql_query'] = $sql_query; } if (isset($show_as_php)) { $url_params['show_as_php'] = $show_as_php; } PMA_sendHeaderLocation( $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . 'index.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params, '&') ); } exit; } } } // end if (ensures db exists) if (empty($is_table) && !defined('PMA_SUBMIT_MULT') && ! defined('TABLE_MAY_BE_ABSENT') ) { // Not a valid table name -> back to the db_sql.php if (strlen($table)) { $is_table = isset(PMA_Table::$cache[$db][$table]); if (! $is_table) { $_result = PMA_DBI_try_query( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table, true) . '\';', null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); $is_table = @PMA_DBI_num_rows($_result); PMA_DBI_free_result($_result); } } else { $is_table = false; } if (! $is_table) { if (! defined('IS_TRANSFORMATION_WRAPPER')) { if (strlen($table)) { // SHOW TABLES doesn't show temporary tables, so try select // (as it can happen just in case temporary table, it should be // fast): /** * @todo should this check really * only happen if IS_TRANSFORMATION_WRAPPER? */ $_result = PMA_DBI_try_query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . ';', null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); $is_table = ($_result && @PMA_DBI_num_rows($_result)); PMA_DBI_free_result($_result); } if (! $is_table) { include './db_sql.php'; exit; } } if (! $is_table) { exit; } } } // end if (ensures table exists) ?>