array( '#B02EE0', '#E0642E', '#E0D62E', '#2E97E0', '#BCE02E', '#E02E75', '#5CE02E', '#E0B02E', '#0022E0', '#726CB1', '#481A36', '#BAC658', '#127224', '#825119', '#238C74', '#4C489B', '#87C9BF', ), // The width of the GIS visualization. 'width' => 600, // The height of the GIS visualization. 'height' => 450, ); /** * @var array Options that the user has specified. */ private $_userSpecifiedSettings = null; /** * Returns the settings array * * @return array the settings array * @access public */ public function getSettings() { return $this->_settings; } /** * Constructor. Stores user specified options. * * @param array $data Data for the visualization * @param array $options Users specified options * * @access public */ public function __construct($data, $options) { $this->_userSpecifiedSettings = $options; $this->_data = $data; } /** * All the variable initialization, options handling has to be done here. * * @return void * @access protected */ protected function init() { $this->_handleOptions(); } /** * A function which handles passed parameters. Useful if desired * chart needs to be a little bit different from the default one. * * @return void * @access private */ private function _handleOptions() { if (! is_null($this->_userSpecifiedSettings)) { $this->_settings = array_merge( $this->_settings, $this->_userSpecifiedSettings ); } } /** * Sanitizes the file name. * * @param string $file_name file name * @param string $ext extension of the file * * @return string the sanitized file name * @access private */ private function _sanitizeName($file_name, $ext) { $file_name = PMA_sanitizeFilename($file_name); // Check if the user already added extension; // get the substring where the extension would be if it was included $extension_start_pos = strlen($file_name) - strlen($ext) - 1; $user_extension = substr( $file_name, $extension_start_pos, strlen($file_name) ); $required_extension = "." . $ext; if (strtolower($user_extension) != $required_extension) { $file_name .= $required_extension; } return $file_name; } /** * Handles common tasks of writing the visualization to file for various formats. * * @param string $file_name file name * @param string $type mime type * @param string $ext extension of the file * * @return void * @access private */ private function _toFile($file_name, $type, $ext) { $file_name = $this->_sanitizeName($file_name, $ext); PMA_downloadHeader($file_name, $type); } /** * Generate the visualization in SVG format. * * @return string the generated image resource * @access private */ private function _svg() { $this->init(); $output = '' . "\n"; $output .= ''; $output .= ''; $scale_data = $this->_scaleDataSet($this->_data); $output .= $this->_prepareDataSet($this->_data, $scale_data, 'svg', ''); $output .= ''; $output .= ''; return $output; } /** * Get the visualization as a SVG. * * @return string the visualization as a SVG * @access public */ public function asSVG() { $output = $this->_svg(); return $output; } /** * Saves as a SVG image to a file. * * @param string $file_name File name * * @return void * @access public */ public function toFileAsSvg($file_name) { $img = $this->_svg(); $this->_toFile($file_name, 'image/svg+xml', 'svg'); echo($img); } /** * Generate the visualization in PNG format. * * @return object the generated image resource * @access private */ private function _png() { $this->init(); // create image $image = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->_settings['width'], $this->_settings['height'] ); // fill the background $bg = imagecolorallocate($image, 229, 229, 229); imagefilledrectangle( $image, 0, 0, $this->_settings['width'] - 1, $this->_settings['height'] - 1, $bg ); $scale_data = $this->_scaleDataSet($this->_data); $image = $this->_prepareDataSet($this->_data, $scale_data, 'png', $image); return $image; } /** * Get the visualization as a PNG. * * @return string the visualization as a PNG * @access public */ public function asPng() { $img = $this->_png(); // render and save it to variable ob_start(); imagepng($img, null, 9, PNG_ALL_FILTERS); imagedestroy($img); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // base64 encode $encoded = base64_encode($output); return ''; } /** * Saves as a PNG image to a file. * * @param string $file_name File name * * @return void * @access public */ public function toFileAsPng($file_name) { $img = $this->_png(); $this->_toFile($file_name, 'image/png', 'png'); imagepng($img, null, 9, PNG_ALL_FILTERS); imagedestroy($img); } /** * Get the code for visualization with OpenLayers. * * @return string the code for visualization with OpenLayers * @access public */ public function asOl() { $this->init(); $scale_data = $this->_scaleDataSet($this->_data); $output = 'var options = {' . 'projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),' . 'displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),' . 'units: "m",' . 'numZoomLevels: 18,' . 'maxResolution: 156543.0339,' . 'maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(' . '-20037508, -20037508, 20037508, 20037508),' . 'restrictedExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(' . '-20037508, -20037508, 20037508, 20037508)' . '};' . 'var map = new OpenLayers.Map("openlayersmap", options);' . 'var layerNone = new OpenLayers.Layer.Boxes(' . '"None", {isBaseLayer: true});' . 'var layerMapnik = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik("Mapnik");' . 'var layerCycleMap = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.CycleMap("CycleMap");' . 'map.addLayers([layerMapnik,layerCycleMap,layerNone]);' . 'var vectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Data");' . 'var bound;'; $output .= $this->_prepareDataSet($this->_data, $scale_data, 'ol', ''); $output .= 'map.addLayer(vectorLayer);' . 'map.zoomToExtent(bound);' . 'if (map.getZoom() < 2) {' . 'map.zoomTo(2);' . '}' . 'map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());' . 'map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition());'; return $output; } /** * Saves as a PDF to a file. * * @param string $file_name File name * * @return void * @access public */ public function toFileAsPdf($file_name) { $this->init(); include_once './libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php'; // create pdf $pdf = new TCPDF( '', 'pt', $GLOBALS['cfg']['PDFDefaultPageSize'], true, 'UTF-8', false ); // disable header and footer $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); //set auto page breaks $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); // add a page $pdf->AddPage(); $scale_data = $this->_scaleDataSet($this->_data); $pdf = $this->_prepareDataSet($this->_data, $scale_data, 'pdf', $pdf); // sanitize file name $file_name = $this->_sanitizeName($file_name, 'pdf'); $pdf->Output($file_name, 'D'); } /** * Calculates the scale, horizontal and vertical offset that should be used. * * @param array $data Row data * * @return array an array containing the scale, x and y offsets * @access private */ private function _scaleDataSet($data) { $min_max = array(); $border = 15; // effective width and height of the plot $plot_width = $this->_settings['width'] - 2 * $border; $plot_height = $this->_settings['height'] - 2 * $border; foreach ($data as $row) { // Figure out the data type $ref_data = $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']]; $type_pos = stripos($ref_data, '('); $type = substr($ref_data, 0, $type_pos); $gis_obj = PMA_GIS_Factory::factory($type); if (! $gis_obj) { continue; } $scale_data = $gis_obj->scaleRow( $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']] ); // Upadate minimum/maximum values for x and y cordinates. $c_maxX = (float) $scale_data['maxX']; if (! isset($min_max['maxX']) || $c_maxX > $min_max['maxX']) { $min_max['maxX'] = $c_maxX; } $c_minX = (float) $scale_data['minX']; if (! isset($min_max['minX']) || $c_minX < $min_max['minX']) { $min_max['minX'] = $c_minX; } $c_maxY = (float) $scale_data['maxY']; if (! isset($min_max['maxY']) || $c_maxY > $min_max['maxY']) { $min_max['maxY'] = $c_maxY; } $c_minY = (float) $scale_data['minY']; if (! isset($min_max['minY']) || $c_minY < $min_max['minY']) { $min_max['minY'] = $c_minY; } } // scale the visualization $x_ratio = ($min_max['maxX'] - $min_max['minX']) / $plot_width; $y_ratio = ($min_max['maxY'] - $min_max['minY']) / $plot_height; $ratio = ($x_ratio > $y_ratio) ? $x_ratio : $y_ratio; $scale = ($ratio != 0) ? (1 / $ratio) : 1; if ($x_ratio < $y_ratio) { // center horizontally $x = ($min_max['maxX'] + $min_max['minX'] - $plot_width / $scale) / 2; // fit vertically $y = $min_max['minY'] - ($border / $scale); } else { // fit horizontally $x = $min_max['minX'] - ($border / $scale); // center vertically $y =($min_max['maxY'] + $min_max['minY'] - $plot_height / $scale) / 2; } return array( 'scale' => $scale, 'x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'minX' => $min_max['minX'], 'maxX' => $min_max['maxX'], 'minY' => $min_max['minY'], 'maxY' => $min_max['maxY'], 'height' => $this->_settings['height'], ); } /** * Prepares and return the dataset as needed by the visualization. * * @param array $data Raw data * @param array $scale_data Data related to scaling * @param string $format Format of the visulaization * @param object $results Image object in the case of png * TCPDF object in the case of pdf * * @return mixed the formatted array of data * @access private */ private function _prepareDataSet($data, $scale_data, $format, $results) { $color_number = 0; // loop through the rows foreach ($data as $row) { $index = $color_number % sizeof($this->_settings['colors']); // Figure out the data type $ref_data = $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']]; $type_pos = stripos($ref_data, '('); $type = substr($ref_data, 0, $type_pos); $gis_obj = PMA_GIS_Factory::factory($type); if (! $gis_obj) { continue; } $label = ''; if (isset($this->_settings['labelColumn']) && isset($row[$this->_settings['labelColumn']]) ) { $label = $row[$this->_settings['labelColumn']]; } if ($format == 'svg') { $results .= $gis_obj->prepareRowAsSvg( $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data ); } elseif ($format == 'png') { $results = $gis_obj->prepareRowAsPng( $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data, $results ); } elseif ($format == 'pdf') { $results = $gis_obj->prepareRowAsPdf( $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data, $results ); } elseif ($format == 'ol') { $results .= $gis_obj->prepareRowAsOl( $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $row['srid'], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data ); } $color_number++; } return $results; } } ?>