' . htmlspecialchars(mysqli_error($link)) . ''; } $_SESSION['debug']['queries'][$hash]['count'] = 1; $_SESSION['debug']['queries'][$hash]['query'] = htmlspecialchars($query); $_SESSION['debug']['queries'][$hash]['time'] = $time; } $trace = array(); foreach (debug_backtrace() as $trace_step) { $trace[] = (isset($trace_step['file']) ? PMA_Error::relPath($trace_step['file']) : '') . (isset($trace_step['line']) ? '#' . $trace_step['line'] . ': ' : '') . (isset($trace_step['class']) ? $trace_step['class'] : '') . (isset($trace_step['type']) ? $trace_step['type'] : '') . (isset($trace_step['function']) ? $trace_step['function'] : '') . '(' . (isset($trace_step['params']) ? implode(', ', $trace_step['params']) : '' ) . ')' ; } $_SESSION['debug']['queries'][$hash]['trace'][] = $trace; } /** * runs a query and returns the result * * @param string $query query to run * @param resource $link mysql link resource * @param integer $options query options * @param bool $cache_affected_rows whether to cache affected row * * @return mixed */ function PMA_DBI_try_query($query, $link = null, $options = 0, $cache_affected_rows = true ) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['sql']) { $time = microtime(true); } $result = PMA_DBI_real_query($query, $link, $options); if ($cache_affected_rows) { $GLOBALS['cached_affected_rows'] = PMA_DBI_affected_rows($link, false); } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['sql']) { $time = microtime(true) - $time; PMA_DBI_DBG_query($query, $link, $result, $time); } if ($result != false && PMA_Tracker::isActive() == true ) { PMA_Tracker::handleQuery($query); } return $result; } /** * Run multi query statement and return results * * @param string $multi_query multi query statement to execute * @param mysqli $link mysqli object * * @return mysqli_result collection | boolean(false) */ function PMA_DBI_try_multi_query($multi_query = '', $link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return PMA_DBI_real_multi_query($link, $multi_query); } /** * converts charset of a mysql message, usually coming from mysql_error(), * into PMA charset, usally UTF-8 * uses language to charset mapping from mysql/share/errmsg.txt * and charset names to ISO charset from information_schema.CHARACTER_SETS * * @param string $message the message * * @return string $message */ function PMA_DBI_convert_message($message) { // latin always last! $encodings = array( 'japanese' => 'EUC-JP', //'ujis', 'japanese-sjis' => 'Shift-JIS', //'sjis', 'korean' => 'EUC-KR', //'euckr', 'russian' => 'KOI8-R', //'koi8r', 'ukrainian' => 'KOI8-U', //'koi8u', 'greek' => 'ISO-8859-7', //'greek', 'serbian' => 'CP1250', //'cp1250', 'estonian' => 'ISO-8859-13', //'latin7', 'slovak' => 'ISO-8859-2', //'latin2', 'czech' => 'ISO-8859-2', //'latin2', 'hungarian' => 'ISO-8859-2', //'latin2', 'polish' => 'ISO-8859-2', //'latin2', 'romanian' => 'ISO-8859-2', //'latin2', 'spanish' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'swedish' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'italian' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'norwegian-ny' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'norwegian' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'portuguese' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'danish' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'dutch' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'english' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'french' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', 'german' => 'CP1252', //'latin1', ); $server_language = PMA_DBI_fetch_value( 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'language\';', 0, 1 ); if ($server_language) { $found = array(); $match = preg_match( '&(?:\\\|\\/)([^\\\\\/]*)(?:\\\|\\/)$&i', $server_language, $found ); if ($match) { $server_language = $found[1]; } } if (! empty($server_language) && isset($encodings[$server_language])) { $encoding = $encodings[$server_language]; } else { /* Fallback to CP1252 if we can not detect */ $encoding = 'CP1252'; } if (function_exists('iconv')) { if ((@stristr(PHP_OS, 'AIX')) && (@strcasecmp(ICONV_IMPL, 'unknown') == 0) && (@strcasecmp(ICONV_VERSION, 'unknown') == 0) ) { include_once './libraries/iconv_wrapper.lib.php'; $message = PMA_aix_iconv_wrapper( $encoding, 'utf-8' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['IconvExtraParams'], $message ); } else { $message = iconv( $encoding, 'utf-8' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['IconvExtraParams'], $message ); } } elseif (function_exists('recode_string')) { $message = recode_string( $encoding . '..' . 'utf-8', $message ); } elseif (function_exists('libiconv')) { $message = libiconv($encoding, 'utf-8', $message); } elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { // do not try unsupported charsets if (! in_array($server_language, array('ukrainian', 'greek', 'serbian'))) { $message = mb_convert_encoding( $message, 'utf-8', $encoding ); } } return $message; } /** * returns array with table names for given db * * @param string $database name of database * @param mixed $link mysql link resource|object * * @return array tables names */ function PMA_DBI_get_tables($database, $link = null) { return PMA_DBI_fetch_result( 'SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($database) . ';', null, 0, $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); } /** * usort comparison callback * * @param string $a first argument to sort * @param string $b second argument to sort * * @return integer a value representing whether $a should be before $b in the * sorted array or not * * @access private */ function PMA_usort_comparison_callback($a, $b) { if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { $sorter = 'strnatcasecmp'; } else { $sorter = 'strcasecmp'; } /* No sorting when key is not present */ if (! isset($a[$GLOBALS['callback_sort_by']]) || ! isset($b[$GLOBALS['callback_sort_by']]) ) { return 0; } // produces f.e.: // return -1 * strnatcasecmp($a["SCHEMA_TABLES"], $b["SCHEMA_TABLES"]) return ($GLOBALS['callback_sort_order'] == 'ASC' ? 1 : -1) * $sorter( $a[$GLOBALS['callback_sort_by']], $b[$GLOBALS['callback_sort_by']] ); } // end of the 'PMA_usort_comparison_callback()' function /** * returns array of all tables in given db or dbs * this function expects unquoted names: * RIGHT: my_database * WRONG: `my_database` * WRONG: my\_database * if $tbl_is_group is true, $table is used as filter for table names * if $tbl_is_group is 'comment, $table is used as filter for table comments * * * PMA_DBI_get_tables_full('my_database'); * PMA_DBI_get_tables_full('my_database', 'my_table')); * PMA_DBI_get_tables_full('my_database', 'my_tables_', true)); * PMA_DBI_get_tables_full('my_database', 'my_tables_', 'comment')); * * * @param string $database database * @param string|bool $table table or false * @param boolean|string $tbl_is_group $table is a table group * @param mixed $link mysql link * @param integer $limit_offset zero-based offset for the count * @param boolean|integer $limit_count number of tables to return * @param string $sort_by table attribute to sort by * @param string $sort_order direction to sort (ASC or DESC) * * @todo move into PMA_Table * * @return array list of tables in given db(s) */ function PMA_DBI_get_tables_full($database, $table = false, $tbl_is_group = false, $link = null, $limit_offset = 0, $limit_count = false, $sort_by = 'Name', $sort_order = 'ASC' ) { if (true === $limit_count) { $limit_count = $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxTableList']; } // prepare and check parameters if (! is_array($database)) { $databases = array($database); } else { $databases = $database; } $tables = array(); if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) { // get table information from information_schema if ($table) { if (true === $tbl_is_group) { $sql_where_table = 'AND t.`TABLE_NAME` LIKE \'' . PMA_Util::escapeMysqlWildcards(PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table)) . '%\''; } elseif ('comment' === $tbl_is_group) { $sql_where_table = 'AND t.`TABLE_COMMENT` LIKE \'' . PMA_Util::escapeMysqlWildcards(PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table)) . '%\''; } else { $sql_where_table = 'AND t.`TABLE_NAME` = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . '\''; } } else { $sql_where_table = ''; } // for PMA bc: // `SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME` AS `SHOW_TABLE_STATUS_FIELD_NAME` // // on non-Windows servers, // added BINARY in the WHERE clause to force a case sensitive // comparison (if we are looking for the db Aa we don't want // to find the db aa) $this_databases = array_map('PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes', $databases); if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { $engine_info = PMA_Util::cacheGet('drizzle_engines', true); $stats_join = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT 0 NUM_ROWS) AS stat ON false"; if (isset($engine_info['InnoDB']) && $engine_info['InnoDB']['module_library'] == 'innobase' ) { $stats_join = "LEFT JOIN data_dictionary.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS stat" . " ON (t.ENGINE = 'InnoDB' AND stat.NAME" . " = (t.TABLE_SCHEMA || '/') || t.TABLE_NAME)"; } // data_dictionary.table_cache may not contain any data for some tables, // it's just a table cache // auto_increment == 0 is cast to NULL because currently (2011.03.13 GA) // Drizzle doesn't provide correct value $sql = " SELECT t.*, t.TABLE_SCHEMA AS `Db`, t.TABLE_NAME AS `Name`, t.TABLE_TYPE AS `TABLE_TYPE`, t.ENGINE AS `Engine`, t.ENGINE AS `Type`, t.TABLE_VERSION AS `Version`,-- VERSION t.ROW_FORMAT AS `Row_format`, coalesce(tc.ROWS, stat.NUM_ROWS) AS `Rows`,-- TABLE_ROWS, coalesce(tc.ROWS, stat.NUM_ROWS) AS `TABLE_ROWS`, tc.AVG_ROW_LENGTH AS `Avg_row_length`, -- AVG_ROW_LENGTH tc.TABLE_SIZE AS `Data_length`, -- DATA_LENGTH NULL AS `Max_data_length`, -- MAX_DATA_LENGTH NULL AS `Index_length`, -- INDEX_LENGTH NULL AS `Data_free`, -- DATA_FREE nullif(t.AUTO_INCREMENT, 0) AS `Auto_increment`, t.TABLE_CREATION_TIME AS `Create_time`, -- CREATE_TIME t.TABLE_UPDATE_TIME AS `Update_time`, -- UPDATE_TIME NULL AS `Check_time`, -- CHECK_TIME t.TABLE_COLLATION AS `Collation`, NULL AS `Checksum`, -- CHECKSUM NULL AS `Create_options`, -- CREATE_OPTIONS t.TABLE_COMMENT AS `Comment` FROM data_dictionary.TABLES t LEFT JOIN data_dictionary.TABLE_CACHE tc ON tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = t.TABLE_SCHEMA AND tc.TABLE_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME $stats_join WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA IN ('" . implode("', '", $this_databases) . "') " . $sql_where_table; } else { $sql = ' SELECT *, `TABLE_SCHEMA` AS `Db`, `TABLE_NAME` AS `Name`, `TABLE_TYPE` AS `TABLE_TYPE`, `ENGINE` AS `Engine`, `ENGINE` AS `Type`, `VERSION` AS `Version`, `ROW_FORMAT` AS `Row_format`, `TABLE_ROWS` AS `Rows`, `AVG_ROW_LENGTH` AS `Avg_row_length`, `DATA_LENGTH` AS `Data_length`, `MAX_DATA_LENGTH` AS `Max_data_length`, `INDEX_LENGTH` AS `Index_length`, `DATA_FREE` AS `Data_free`, `AUTO_INCREMENT` AS `Auto_increment`, `CREATE_TIME` AS `Create_time`, `UPDATE_TIME` AS `Update_time`, `CHECK_TIME` AS `Check_time`, `TABLE_COLLATION` AS `Collation`, `CHECKSUM` AS `Checksum`, `CREATE_OPTIONS` AS `Create_options`, `TABLE_COMMENT` AS `Comment` FROM `information_schema`.`TABLES` t WHERE ' . (PMA_IS_WINDOWS ? '' : 'BINARY') . ' `TABLE_SCHEMA` IN (\'' . implode("', '", $this_databases) . '\') ' . $sql_where_table; } // Sort the tables $sql .= " ORDER BY $sort_by $sort_order"; if ($limit_count) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit_count . ' OFFSET ' . $limit_offset; } $tables = PMA_DBI_fetch_result( $sql, array('TABLE_SCHEMA', 'TABLE_NAME'), null, $link ); unset($sql_where_table, $sql); if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // correct I_S and D_D names returned by D_D.TABLES - // Drizzle generally uses lower case for them, // but TABLES returns uppercase foreach ((array)$database as $db) { $db_upper = strtoupper($db); if (!isset($tables[$db]) && isset($tables[$db_upper])) { $tables[$db] = $tables[$db_upper]; unset($tables[$db_upper]); } } } if ($sort_by == 'Name' && $GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { // here, the array's first key is by schema name foreach ($tables as $one_database_name => $one_database_tables) { uksort($one_database_tables, 'strnatcasecmp'); if ($sort_order == 'DESC') { $one_database_tables = array_reverse($one_database_tables); } $tables[$one_database_name] = $one_database_tables; } } } // end (get information from table schema) // If permissions are wrong on even one database directory, // information_schema does not return any table info for any database // this is why we fall back to SHOW TABLE STATUS even for MySQL >= 50002 if (empty($tables) && !PMA_DRIZZLE) { foreach ($databases as $each_database) { if ($table || (true === $tbl_is_group)) { $sql = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($each_database) .' LIKE \'' . PMA_Util::escapeMysqlWildcards( PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table, true) ) . '%\''; } else { $sql = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($each_database); } $useStatusCache = false; if (extension_loaded('apc') && isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['StatusCacheDatabases']) && ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['StatusCacheLifetime']) ) { $statusCacheDatabases = (array) $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['StatusCacheDatabases']; if (in_array($each_database, $statusCacheDatabases)) { $useStatusCache = true; } } $each_tables = null; if ($useStatusCache) { $cacheKey = 'phpMyAdmin_tableStatus_' . sha1($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host'] . '_' . $sql); $each_tables = apc_fetch($cacheKey); } if (!$each_tables) { $each_tables = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'Name', null, $link); } if ($useStatusCache) { apc_store( $cacheKey, $each_tables, $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['StatusCacheLifetime'] ); } // Sort naturally if the config allows it and we're sorting // the Name column. if ($sort_by == 'Name' && $GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { uksort($each_tables, 'strnatcasecmp'); if ($sort_order == 'DESC') { $each_tables = array_reverse($each_tables); } } else { // Prepare to sort by creating array of the selected sort // value to pass to array_multisort // Size = Data_length + Index_length if ($sort_by == 'Data_length') { foreach ($each_tables as $table_name => $table_data) { ${$sort_by}[$table_name] = strtolower( $table_data['Data_length'] + $table_data['Index_length'] ); } } else { foreach ($each_tables as $table_name => $table_data) { ${$sort_by}[$table_name] = strtolower($table_data[$sort_by]); } } if ($sort_order == 'DESC') { array_multisort($$sort_by, SORT_DESC, $each_tables); } else { array_multisort($$sort_by, SORT_ASC, $each_tables); } // cleanup the temporary sort array unset($$sort_by); } if ($limit_count) { $each_tables = array_slice( $each_tables, $limit_offset, $limit_count ); } foreach ($each_tables as $table_name => $each_table) { if ('comment' === $tbl_is_group && 0 === strpos($each_table['Comment'], $table) ) { // remove table from list unset($each_tables[$table_name]); continue; } if (! isset($each_tables[$table_name]['Type']) && isset($each_tables[$table_name]['Engine']) ) { // pma BC, same parts of PMA still uses 'Type' $each_tables[$table_name]['Type'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Engine']; } elseif (! isset($each_tables[$table_name]['Engine']) && isset($each_tables[$table_name]['Type'])) { // old MySQL reports Type, newer MySQL reports Engine $each_tables[$table_name]['Engine'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Type']; } // MySQL forward compatibility // so pma could use this array as if every server is of version >5.0 // todo : remove and check usage in the rest of the code, // MySQL 5.0 is required by current PMA version $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_SCHEMA'] = $each_database; $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_NAME'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Name']; $each_tables[$table_name]['ENGINE'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Engine']; $each_tables[$table_name]['VERSION'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Version']; $each_tables[$table_name]['ROW_FORMAT'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Row_format']; $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_ROWS'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Rows']; $each_tables[$table_name]['AVG_ROW_LENGTH'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Avg_row_length']; $each_tables[$table_name]['DATA_LENGTH'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Data_length']; $each_tables[$table_name]['MAX_DATA_LENGTH'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Max_data_length']; $each_tables[$table_name]['INDEX_LENGTH'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Index_length']; $each_tables[$table_name]['DATA_FREE'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Data_free']; $each_tables[$table_name]['AUTO_INCREMENT'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Auto_increment']; $each_tables[$table_name]['CREATE_TIME'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Create_time']; $each_tables[$table_name]['UPDATE_TIME'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Update_time']; $each_tables[$table_name]['CHECK_TIME'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Check_time']; $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_COLLATION'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Collation']; $each_tables[$table_name]['CHECKSUM'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Checksum']; $each_tables[$table_name]['CREATE_OPTIONS'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Create_options']; $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_COMMENT'] =& $each_tables[$table_name]['Comment']; if (strtoupper($each_tables[$table_name]['Comment']) === 'VIEW' && $each_tables[$table_name]['Engine'] == null ) { $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_TYPE'] = 'VIEW'; } else { /** * @todo difference between 'TEMPORARY' and 'BASE TABLE' * but how to detect? */ $each_tables[$table_name]['TABLE_TYPE'] = 'BASE TABLE'; } } $tables[$each_database] = $each_tables; } } // cache table data // so PMA_Table does not require to issue SHOW TABLE STATUS again // Note: I don't see why we would need array_merge_recursive() here, // as it creates double entries for the same table (for example a double // entry for Comment when changing the storage engine in Operations) // Note 2: Instead of array_merge(), simply use the + operator because // array_merge() renumbers numeric keys starting with 0, therefore // we would lose a db name thats consists only of numbers foreach ($tables as $one_database => $its_tables) { if (isset(PMA_Table::$cache[$one_database])) { PMA_Table::$cache[$one_database] = PMA_Table::$cache[$one_database] + $tables[$one_database]; } else { PMA_Table::$cache[$one_database] = $tables[$one_database]; } } unset($one_database, $its_tables); if (! is_array($database)) { if (isset($tables[$database])) { return $tables[$database]; } elseif (isset($tables[strtolower($database)])) { // on windows with lower_case_table_names = 1 // MySQL returns // with SHOW DATABASES or information_schema.SCHEMATA: `Test` // but information_schema.TABLES gives `test` // bug #2036 // https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/2036/ return $tables[strtolower($database)]; } else { // one database but inexact letter case match // as Drizzle is always case insensitive, // we can safely return the only result if (PMA_DRIZZLE && count($tables) == 1) { $keys = array_keys($tables); if (strlen(array_pop($keys)) == strlen($database)) { return array_pop($tables); } } return $tables; } } else { return $tables; } } /** * Get VIEWs in a particular database * * @param string $db Database name to look in * * @return array $views Set of VIEWs inside the database */ function PMA_DBI_getVirtualTables($db) { $tables_full = PMA_DBI_get_tables_full($db); $views = array(); foreach ($tables_full as $table=>$tmp) { if (PMA_Table::isView($db, $table)) { $views[] = $table; } } return $views; } /** * returns array with databases containing extended infos about them * * @param string $database database * @param boolean $force_stats retrieve stats also for MySQL < 5 * @param resource $link mysql link * @param string $sort_by column to order by * @param string $sort_order ASC or DESC * @param integer $limit_offset starting offset for LIMIT * @param bool|int $limit_count row count for LIMIT or true * for $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList'] * * @todo move into PMA_List_Database? * * @return array $databases */ function PMA_DBI_get_databases_full($database = null, $force_stats = false, $link = null, $sort_by = 'SCHEMA_NAME', $sort_order = 'ASC', $limit_offset = 0, $limit_count = false ) { $sort_order = strtoupper($sort_order); if (true === $limit_count) { $limit_count = $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']; } // initialize to avoid errors when there are no databases $databases = array(); $apply_limit_and_order_manual = true; if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) { /** * if $GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder'] is enabled, we cannot use LIMIT * cause MySQL does not support natural ordering, we have to do it afterward */ $limit = ''; if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { if ($limit_count) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $limit_count . ' OFFSET ' . $limit_offset; } $apply_limit_and_order_manual = false; } // get table information from information_schema if ($database) { $sql_where_schema = 'WHERE `SCHEMA_NAME` LIKE \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($database) . '\''; } else { $sql_where_schema = ''; } if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // data_dictionary.table_cache may not contain any data for some // tables, it's just a table cache $sql = 'SELECT s.SCHEMA_NAME, s.DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'; if ($force_stats) { // no TABLE_CACHE data, stable results are better than // constantly changing $sql .= ', COUNT(t.TABLE_SCHEMA) AS SCHEMA_TABLES, SUM(stat.NUM_ROWS) AS SCHEMA_TABLE_ROWS'; } $sql .= ' FROM data_dictionary.SCHEMAS s'; if ($force_stats) { $engine_info = PMA_Util::cacheGet('drizzle_engines', true); $stats_join = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT 0 NUM_ROWS) AS stat ON false"; if (isset($engine_info['InnoDB']) && $engine_info['InnoDB']['module_library'] == 'innobase' ) { $stats_join = "LEFT JOIN data_dictionary.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS" . " stat ON (t.ENGINE = 'InnoDB' AND stat.NAME" . " = (t.TABLE_SCHEMA || '/') || t.TABLE_NAME)"; } $sql .= " LEFT JOIN data_dictionary.TABLES t ON t.TABLE_SCHEMA = s.SCHEMA_NAME $stats_join"; } $sql .= $sql_where_schema . ' GROUP BY s.SCHEMA_NAME ORDER BY ' . PMA_Util::backquote($sort_by) . ' ' . $sort_order . $limit; } else { $sql = 'SELECT s.SCHEMA_NAME, s.DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'; if ($force_stats) { $sql .= ', COUNT(t.TABLE_SCHEMA) AS SCHEMA_TABLES, SUM(t.TABLE_ROWS) AS SCHEMA_TABLE_ROWS, SUM(t.DATA_LENGTH) AS SCHEMA_DATA_LENGTH, SUM(t.MAX_DATA_LENGTH) AS SCHEMA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH, SUM(t.INDEX_LENGTH) AS SCHEMA_INDEX_LENGTH, SUM(t.DATA_LENGTH + t.INDEX_LENGTH) AS SCHEMA_LENGTH, SUM(t.DATA_FREE) AS SCHEMA_DATA_FREE'; } $sql .= ' FROM `information_schema`.SCHEMATA s'; if ($force_stats) { $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `information_schema`.TABLES t ON BINARY t.TABLE_SCHEMA = BINARY s.SCHEMA_NAME'; } $sql .= $sql_where_schema . ' GROUP BY BINARY s.SCHEMA_NAME ORDER BY BINARY ' . PMA_Util::backquote($sort_by) . ' ' . $sort_order . $limit; } $databases = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'SCHEMA_NAME', null, $link); $mysql_error = PMA_DBI_getError($link); if (! count($databases) && $GLOBALS['errno']) { PMA_Util::mysqlDie($mysql_error, $sql); } // display only databases also in official database list // f.e. to apply hide_db and only_db $drops = array_diff( array_keys($databases), (array) $GLOBALS['pma']->databases ); if (count($drops)) { foreach ($drops as $drop) { unset($databases[$drop]); } unset($drop); } unset($sql_where_schema, $sql, $drops); } else { foreach ($GLOBALS['pma']->databases as $database_name) { // MySQL forward compatibility // so pma could use this array as if every server is of version >5.0 // todo : remove and check the rest of the code for usage, // MySQL 5.0 or higher is required for current PMA version $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_NAME'] = $database_name; if ($force_stats) { include_once './libraries/mysql_charsets.lib.php'; $databases[$database_name]['DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'] = PMA_getDbCollation($database_name); // get additional info about tables $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_TABLES'] = 0; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_TABLE_ROWS'] = 0; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_DATA_LENGTH'] = 0; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH'] = 0; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_INDEX_LENGTH'] = 0; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_LENGTH'] = 0; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_DATA_FREE'] = 0; $res = PMA_DBI_query( 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($database_name) . ';' ); while ($row = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($res)) { $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_TABLES']++; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_TABLE_ROWS'] += $row['Rows']; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_DATA_LENGTH'] += $row['Data_length']; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH'] += $row['Max_data_length']; $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_INDEX_LENGTH'] += $row['Index_length']; // for InnoDB, this does not contain the number of // overhead bytes but the total free space if ('InnoDB' != $row['Engine']) { $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_DATA_FREE'] += $row['Data_free']; } $databases[$database_name]['SCHEMA_LENGTH'] += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; } PMA_DBI_free_result($res); unset($res); } } } /** * apply limit and order manually now * (caused by older MySQL < 5 or $GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) */ if ($apply_limit_and_order_manual) { $GLOBALS['callback_sort_order'] = $sort_order; $GLOBALS['callback_sort_by'] = $sort_by; usort($databases, 'PMA_usort_comparison_callback'); unset($GLOBALS['callback_sort_order'], $GLOBALS['callback_sort_by']); /** * now apply limit */ if ($limit_count) { $databases = array_slice($databases, $limit_offset, $limit_count); } } return $databases; } /** * returns detailed array with all columns for given table in database, * or all tables/databases * * @param string $database name of database * @param string $table name of table to retrieve columns from * @param string $column name of specific column * @param mixed $link mysql link resource * * @return array */ function PMA_DBI_get_columns_full($database = null, $table = null, $column = null, $link = null ) { $columns = array(); if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) { $sql_wheres = array(); $array_keys = array(); // get columns information from information_schema if (null !== $database) { $sql_wheres[] = '`TABLE_SCHEMA` = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($database) . '\' '; } else { $array_keys[] = 'TABLE_SCHEMA'; } if (null !== $table) { $sql_wheres[] = '`TABLE_NAME` = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . '\' '; } else { $array_keys[] = 'TABLE_NAME'; } if (null !== $column) { $sql_wheres[] = '`COLUMN_NAME` = \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($column) . '\' '; } else { $array_keys[] = 'COLUMN_NAME'; } // for PMA bc: // `[SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME]` AS `[SHOW_FULL_COLUMNS_FIELD_NAME]` if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { $sql = "SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, column_name AS `Field`, (CASE WHEN character_maximum_length > 0 THEN concat(lower(data_type), '(', character_maximum_length, ')') WHEN numeric_precision > 0 OR numeric_scale > 0 THEN concat(lower(data_type), '(', numeric_precision, ',', numeric_scale, ')') WHEN enum_values IS NOT NULL THEN concat(lower(data_type), '(', enum_values, ')') ELSE lower(data_type) END) AS `Type`, collation_name AS `Collation`, (CASE is_nullable WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END) AS `Null`, (CASE WHEN is_used_in_primary THEN 'PRI' ELSE '' END) AS `Key`, column_default AS `Default`, (CASE WHEN is_auto_increment THEN 'auto_increment' WHEN column_default_update THEN 'on update ' || column_default_update ELSE '' END) AS `Extra`, NULL AS `Privileges`, column_comment AS `Comment` FROM data_dictionary.columns"; } else { $sql = ' SELECT *, `COLUMN_NAME` AS `Field`, `COLUMN_TYPE` AS `Type`, `COLLATION_NAME` AS `Collation`, `IS_NULLABLE` AS `Null`, `COLUMN_KEY` AS `Key`, `COLUMN_DEFAULT` AS `Default`, `EXTRA` AS `Extra`, `PRIVILEGES` AS `Privileges`, `COLUMN_COMMENT` AS `Comment` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS`'; } if (count($sql_wheres)) { $sql .= "\n" . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $sql_wheres); } $columns = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, $array_keys, null, $link); unset($sql_wheres, $sql); } else { if (null === $database) { foreach ($GLOBALS['pma']->databases as $database) { $columns[$database] = PMA_DBI_get_columns_full( $database, null, null, $link ); } return $columns; } elseif (null === $table) { $tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables($database); foreach ($tables as $table) { $columns[$table] = PMA_DBI_get_columns_full( $database, $table, null, $link ); } return $columns; } $sql = 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($database) . '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($table); if (null !== $column) { $sql .= " LIKE '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($column, true) . "'"; } $columns = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'Field', null, $link); } $ordinal_position = 1; foreach ($columns as $column_name => $each_column) { // MySQL forward compatibility // so pma could use this array as if every server is of version >5.0 // todo : remove and check the rest of the code for usage, // MySQL 5.0 or higher is required for current PMA version $columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_NAME'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Field']; $columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_TYPE'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Type']; $columns[$column_name]['COLLATION_NAME'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Collation']; $columns[$column_name]['IS_NULLABLE'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Null']; $columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_KEY'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Key']; $columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Default']; $columns[$column_name]['EXTRA'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Extra']; $columns[$column_name]['PRIVILEGES'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Privileges']; $columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_COMMENT'] =& $columns[$column_name]['Comment']; $columns[$column_name]['TABLE_CATALOG'] = null; $columns[$column_name]['TABLE_SCHEMA'] = $database; $columns[$column_name]['TABLE_NAME'] = $table; $columns[$column_name]['ORDINAL_POSITION'] = $ordinal_position; $columns[$column_name]['DATA_TYPE'] = substr( $columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_TYPE'], 0, strpos($columns[$column_name]['COLUMN_TYPE'], '(') ); /** * @todo guess CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH from COLUMN_TYPE */ $columns[$column_name]['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'] = null; /** * @todo guess CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH from CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH */ $columns[$column_name]['CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH'] = null; $columns[$column_name]['NUMERIC_PRECISION'] = null; $columns[$column_name]['NUMERIC_SCALE'] = null; $columns[$column_name]['CHARACTER_SET_NAME'] = substr( $columns[$column_name]['COLLATION_NAME'], 0, strpos($columns[$column_name]['COLLATION_NAME'], '_') ); $ordinal_position++; } if (null !== $column) { reset($columns); $columns = current($columns); } return $columns; } /** * Returns SQL query for fetching columns for a table * * The 'Key' column is not calculated properly, use PMA_DBI_get_columns() to get * correct values. * * @param string $database name of database * @param string $table name of table to retrieve columns from * @param string $column name of column, null to show all columns * @param boolean $full whether to return full info or only column names * * @see PMA_DBI_get_columns() * * @return string */ function PMA_DBI_get_columns_sql($database, $table, $column = null, $full = false) { if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // `Key` column: // * used in primary key => PRI // * unique one-column => UNI // * indexed, one-column or first in multi-column => MUL // Promotion of UNI to PRI in case no promary index exists // is done after query is executed $sql = "SELECT column_name AS `Field`, (CASE WHEN character_maximum_length > 0 THEN concat(lower(data_type), '(', character_maximum_length, ')') WHEN numeric_precision > 0 OR numeric_scale > 0 THEN concat(lower(data_type), '(', numeric_precision, ',', numeric_scale, ')') WHEN enum_values IS NOT NULL THEN concat(lower(data_type), '(', enum_values, ')') ELSE lower(data_type) END) AS `Type`, " . ($full ? " collation_name AS `Collation`," : '') . " (CASE is_nullable WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END) AS `Null`, (CASE WHEN is_used_in_primary THEN 'PRI' WHEN is_unique AND NOT is_multi THEN 'UNI' WHEN is_indexed AND (NOT is_multi OR is_first_in_multi) THEN 'MUL' ELSE '' END) AS `Key`, column_default AS `Default`, (CASE WHEN is_auto_increment THEN 'auto_increment' WHEN column_default_update <> '' THEN 'on update ' || column_default_update ELSE '' END) AS `Extra` " . ($full ? " , NULL AS `Privileges`, column_comment AS `Comment`" : '') . " FROM data_dictionary.columns WHERE table_schema = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($database) . "' AND table_name = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . "' " . (($column != null) ? " AND column_name = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($column) . "'" : ''); // ORDER BY ordinal_position } else { $sql = 'SHOW ' . ($full ? 'FULL' : '') . ' COLUMNS FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($database) . '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($table) . (($column != null) ? "LIKE '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($column, true) . "'" : ''); } return $sql; } /** * Returns descriptions of columns in given table (all or given by $column) * * @param string $database name of database * @param string $table name of table to retrieve columns from * @param string $column name of column, null to show all columns * @param boolean $full whether to return full info or only column names * @param mixed $link mysql link resource * * @return false|array array indexed by column names or, * if $column is given, flat array description */ function PMA_DBI_get_columns($database, $table, $column = null, $full = false, $link = null ) { $sql = PMA_DBI_get_columns_sql($database, $table, $column, $full); $fields = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'Field', null, $link); if (! is_array($fields) || count($fields) == 0) { return null; } if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // fix Key column, it's much simpler in PHP than in SQL $has_pk = false; $has_pk_candidates = false; foreach ($fields as $f) { if ($f['Key'] == 'PRI') { $has_pk = true; break; } else if ($f['Null'] == 'NO' && ($f['Key'] == 'MUL' || $f['Key'] == 'UNI') ) { $has_pk_candidates = true; } } if (!$has_pk && $has_pk_candidates) { // check whether we can promote some unique index to PRI $sql = " SELECT i.index_name, p.column_name FROM data_dictionary.indexes i JOIN data_dictionary.index_parts p USING (table_schema, table_name) WHERE i.table_schema = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($database) . "' AND i.table_name = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . "' AND i.is_unique AND NOT i.is_nullable"; $fs = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'index_name', null, $link); $fs = $fs ? array_shift($fs) : array(); foreach ($fs as $f) { $fields[$f]['Key'] = 'PRI'; } } } return ($column != null) ? array_shift($fields) : $fields; } /** * Returns all column names in given table * * @param string $database name of database * @param string $table name of table to retrieve columns from * @param mixed $link mysql link resource * * @return null|array */ function PMA_DBI_get_column_names($database, $table, $link = null) { $sql = PMA_DBI_get_columns_sql($database, $table); // We only need the 'Field' column which contains the table's column names $fields = array_keys(PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'Field', null, $link)); if ( ! is_array($fields) || count($fields) == 0 ) { return null; } return $fields; } /** * Returns SQL for fetching information on table indexes (SHOW INDEXES) * * @param string $database name of database * @param string $table name of the table whose indexes are to be retreived * @param string $where additional conditions for WHERE * * @return array $indexes */ function PMA_DBI_get_table_indexes_sql($database, $table, $where = null) { if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { $sql = "SELECT ip.table_name AS `Table`, (NOT ip.is_unique) AS Non_unique, ip.index_name AS Key_name, ip.sequence_in_index+1 AS Seq_in_index, ip.column_name AS Column_name, (CASE WHEN i.index_type = 'BTREE' THEN 'A' ELSE NULL END) AS Collation, NULL AS Cardinality, compare_length AS Sub_part, NULL AS Packed, ip.is_nullable AS `Null`, i.index_type AS Index_type, NULL AS Comment, i.index_comment AS Index_comment FROM data_dictionary.index_parts ip LEFT JOIN data_dictionary.indexes i USING (table_schema, table_name, index_name) WHERE table_schema = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($database) . "' AND table_name = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . "' "; } else { $sql = 'SHOW INDEXES FROM ' . PMA_Util::backquote($database) . '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($table); } if ($where) { $sql .= (PMA_DRIZZLE ? ' AND (' : ' WHERE (') . $where . ')'; } return $sql; } /** * Returns indexes of a table * * @param string $database name of database * @param string $table name of the table whose indexes are to be retrieved * @param mixed $link mysql link resource * * @return array $indexes */ function PMA_DBI_get_table_indexes($database, $table, $link = null) { $sql = PMA_DBI_get_table_indexes_sql($database, $table); $indexes = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, null, null, $link); if (! is_array($indexes) || count($indexes) < 1) { return array(); } return $indexes; } /** * returns value of given mysql server variable * * @param string $var mysql server variable name * @param int $type PMA_DBI_GETVAR_SESSION|PMA_DBI_GETVAR_GLOBAL * @param mixed $link mysql link resource|object * * @return mixed value for mysql server variable */ function PMA_DBI_get_variable($var, $type = PMA_DBI_GETVAR_SESSION, $link = null) { if ($link === null) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } switch ($type) { case PMA_DBI_GETVAR_SESSION: $modifier = ' SESSION'; break; case PMA_DBI_GETVAR_GLOBAL: $modifier = ' GLOBAL'; break; default: $modifier = ''; } return PMA_DBI_fetch_value( 'SHOW' . $modifier . ' VARIABLES LIKE \'' . $var . '\';', 0, 1, $link ); } /** * Function called just after a connection to the MySQL database server has * been established. It sets the connection collation, and determins the * version of MySQL which is running. * * @param mixed $link mysql link resource|object * @param boolean $is_controluser whether link is for control user * * @return void */ function PMA_DBI_postConnect($link, $is_controluser = false) { if ($is_controluser) { return; } if (! defined('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION')) { if (PMA_Util::cacheExists('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION', true)) { define( 'PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION', PMA_Util::cacheGet('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION', true) ); define( 'PMA_MYSQL_MAJOR_VERSION', PMA_Util::cacheGet('PMA_MYSQL_MAJOR_VERSION', true) ); define( 'PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION', PMA_Util::cacheGet('PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION', true) ); define( 'PMA_MYSQL_VERSION_COMMENT', PMA_Util::cacheGet('PMA_MYSQL_VERSION_COMMENT', true) ); define( 'PMA_DRIZZLE', PMA_Util::cacheGet('PMA_DRIZZLE', true) ); } else { $version = PMA_DBI_fetch_single_row( 'SELECT @@version, @@version_comment', 'ASSOC', $link ); if ($version) { $match = explode('.', $version['@@version']); define('PMA_MYSQL_MAJOR_VERSION', (int)$match[0]); define( 'PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION', (int) sprintf( '%d%02d%02d', $match[0], $match[1], intval($match[2]) ) ); define('PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION', $version['@@version']); define('PMA_MYSQL_VERSION_COMMENT', $version['@@version_comment']); } else { define('PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION', 50015); define('PMA_MYSQL_MAJOR_VERSION', 5); define('PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION', '5.00.15'); define('PMA_MYSQL_VERSION_COMMENT', ''); } PMA_Util::cacheSet( 'PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION', PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION, true ); PMA_Util::cacheSet( 'PMA_MYSQL_MAJOR_VERSION', PMA_MYSQL_MAJOR_VERSION, true ); PMA_Util::cacheSet( 'PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION', PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION, true ); PMA_Util::cacheSet( 'PMA_MYSQL_VERSION_COMMENT', PMA_MYSQL_VERSION_COMMENT, true ); // Detect Drizzle - it does not support character sets $charset_result = PMA_DBI_get_variable( 'character_set_results', PMA_DBI_GETVAR_GLOBAL, $link ); if ($charset_result) { define('PMA_DRIZZLE', false); } else { define('PMA_DRIZZLE', true); } PMA_Util::cacheSet( 'PMA_DRIZZLE', PMA_DRIZZLE, true ); } } // Skip charsets for Drizzle if (!PMA_DRIZZLE) { if (! empty($GLOBALS['collation_connection'])) { PMA_DBI_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8';", $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE); $set_collation_con_query = "SET collation_connection = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($GLOBALS['collation_connection']) . "';"; $result = PMA_DBI_try_query( $set_collation_con_query, $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); if ($result === false) { trigger_error( __('Failed to set configured collation connection!'), E_USER_WARNING ); $result = PMA_DBI_query( "SET collation_connection = 'utf8_general_ci'", $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); } } else { PMA_DBI_query( "SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';", $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); } } // Cache plugin list for Drizzle if (PMA_DRIZZLE && !PMA_Util::cacheExists('drizzle_engines', true)) { $sql = "SELECT p.plugin_name, m.module_library FROM data_dictionary.plugins p JOIN data_dictionary.modules m USING (module_name) WHERE p.plugin_type = 'StorageEngine' AND p.plugin_name NOT IN ('FunctionEngine', 'schema') AND p.is_active = 'YES'"; $engines = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'plugin_name', null, $link); PMA_Util::cacheSet('drizzle_engines', $engines, true); } } /** * returns a single value from the given result or query, * if the query or the result has more than one row or field * the first field of the first row is returned * * * $sql = 'SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = 123'; * $user_name = PMA_DBI_fetch_value($sql); * // produces * // $user_name = 'John Doe' * * * @param string|mysql_result $result query or mysql result * @param integer $row_number row to fetch the value from, * starting at 0, with 0 being default * @param integer|string $field field to fetch the value from, * starting at 0, with 0 being default * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return mixed value of first field in first row from result * or false if not found */ function PMA_DBI_fetch_value($result, $row_number = 0, $field = 0, $link = null) { $value = false; if (is_string($result)) { $result = PMA_DBI_try_query($result, $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE, false); } // return false if result is empty or false // or requested row is larger than rows in result if (PMA_DBI_num_rows($result) < ($row_number + 1)) { return $value; } // if $field is an integer use non associative mysql fetch function if (is_int($field)) { $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_row'; } else { $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc'; } // get requested row for ($i = 0; $i <= $row_number; $i++) { $row = $fetch_function($result); } PMA_DBI_free_result($result); // return requested field if (isset($row[$field])) { $value = $row[$field]; } unset($row); return $value; } /** * returns only the first row from the result * * * $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = 123'; * $user = PMA_DBI_fetch_single_row($sql); * // produces * // $user = array('id' => 123, 'name' => 'John Doe') * * * @param string|mysql_result $result query or mysql result * @param string $type NUM|ASSOC|BOTH * returned array should either numeric * associativ or booth * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return array|boolean first row from result * or false if result is empty */ function PMA_DBI_fetch_single_row($result, $type = 'ASSOC', $link = null) { if (is_string($result)) { $result = PMA_DBI_try_query($result, $link, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE, false); } // return null if result is empty or false if (! PMA_DBI_num_rows($result)) { return false; } switch ($type) { case 'NUM' : $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_row'; break; case 'ASSOC' : $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc'; break; case 'BOTH' : default : $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_array'; break; } $row = $fetch_function($result); PMA_DBI_free_result($result); return $row; } /** * returns all rows in the resultset in one array * * * $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `user`'; * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql); * // produces * // $users[] = array('id' => 123, 'name' => 'John Doe') * * $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `user`'; * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'id'); * // produces * // $users['123'] = array('id' => 123, 'name' => 'John Doe') * * $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `user`'; * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 0); * // produces * // $users['123'] = array(0 => 123, 1 => 'John Doe') * * $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `user`'; * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 'id', 'name'); * // or * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, 0, 1); * // produces * // $users['123'] = 'John Doe' * * $sql = 'SELECT `name` FROM `user`'; * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql); * // produces * // $users[] = 'John Doe' * * $sql = 'SELECT `group`, `name` FROM `user`' * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, array('group', null), 'name'); * // produces * // $users['admin'][] = 'John Doe' * * $sql = 'SELECT `group`, `name` FROM `user`' * $users = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($sql, array('group', 'name'), 'id'); * // produces * // $users['admin']['John Doe'] = '123' * * * @param string|mysql_result $result query or mysql result * @param string|integer $key field-name or offset * used as key for array * @param string|integer $value value-name or offset * used as value for array * @param resource $link mysql link * @param mixed $options query options * * @return array resultrows or values indexed by $key */ function PMA_DBI_fetch_result($result, $key = null, $value = null, $link = null, $options = 0 ) { $resultrows = array(); if (is_string($result)) { $result = PMA_DBI_try_query($result, $link, $options, false); } // return empty array if result is empty or false if (! $result) { return $resultrows; } $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc'; // no nested array if only one field is in result if (null === $key && 1 === PMA_DBI_num_fields($result)) { $value = 0; $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_row'; } // if $key is an integer use non associative mysql fetch function if (is_int($key)) { $fetch_function = 'PMA_DBI_fetch_row'; } if (null === $key && null === $value) { while ($row = $fetch_function($result)) { $resultrows[] = $row; } } elseif (null === $key) { while ($row = $fetch_function($result)) { $resultrows[] = $row[$value]; } } elseif (null === $value) { if (is_array($key)) { while ($row = $fetch_function($result)) { $result_target =& $resultrows; foreach ($key as $key_index) { if (null === $key_index) { $result_target =& $result_target[]; continue; } if (! isset($result_target[$row[$key_index]])) { $result_target[$row[$key_index]] = array(); } $result_target =& $result_target[$row[$key_index]]; } $result_target = $row; } } else { while ($row = $fetch_function($result)) { $resultrows[$row[$key]] = $row; } } } else { if (is_array($key)) { while ($row = $fetch_function($result)) { $result_target =& $resultrows; foreach ($key as $key_index) { if (null === $key_index) { $result_target =& $result_target[]; continue; } if (! isset($result_target[$row[$key_index]])) { $result_target[$row[$key_index]] = array(); } $result_target =& $result_target[$row[$key_index]]; } $result_target = $row[$value]; } } else { while ($row = $fetch_function($result)) { $resultrows[$row[$key]] = $row[$value]; } } } PMA_DBI_free_result($result); return $resultrows; } /** * Get supported SQL compatibility modes * * @return array supported SQL compatibility modes */ function PMA_DBI_getCompatibilities() { // Drizzle doesn't support compatibility modes if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { return array(); } $compats = array('NONE'); $compats[] = 'ANSI'; $compats[] = 'DB2'; $compats[] = 'MAXDB'; $compats[] = 'MYSQL323'; $compats[] = 'MYSQL40'; $compats[] = 'MSSQL'; $compats[] = 'ORACLE'; // removed; in MySQL 5.0.33, this produces exports that // can't be read by POSTGRESQL (see our bug #1596328) //$compats[] = 'POSTGRESQL'; $compats[] = 'TRADITIONAL'; return $compats; } /** * returns warnings for last query * * @param resource $link mysql link resource * * @return array warnings */ function PMA_DBI_get_warnings($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return array(); } } return PMA_DBI_fetch_result('SHOW WARNINGS', null, null, $link); } /** * returns true (int > 0) if current user is superuser * otherwise 0 * * @return bool Whether use is a superuser */ function PMA_isSuperuser() { if (PMA_Util::cacheExists('is_superuser', true)) { return PMA_Util::cacheGet('is_superuser', true); } // when connection failed we don't have a $userlink if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // Drizzle has no authorization by default, so when no plugin is // enabled everyone is a superuser // Known authorization libraries: regex_policy, simple_user_policy // Plugins limit object visibility (dbs, tables, processes), we can // safely assume we always deal with superuser $result = true; } else { // check access to mysql.user table $result = (bool) PMA_DBI_try_query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mysql.user', $GLOBALS['userlink'], PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE ); } PMA_Util::cacheSet('is_superuser', $result, true); } else { PMA_Util::cacheSet('is_superuser', false, true); } return PMA_Util::cacheGet('is_superuser', true); } /** * returns an array of PROCEDURE or FUNCTION names for a db * * @param string $db db name * @param string $which PROCEDURE | FUNCTION * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return array the procedure names or function names */ function PMA_DBI_get_procedures_or_functions($db, $which, $link = null) { if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // Drizzle doesn't support functions and procedures return array(); } $shows = PMA_DBI_fetch_result('SHOW ' . $which . ' STATUS;', null, null, $link); $result = array(); foreach ($shows as $one_show) { if ($one_show['Db'] == $db && $one_show['Type'] == $which) { $result[] = $one_show['Name']; } } return($result); } /** * returns the definition of a specific PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, EVENT or VIEW * * @param string $db db name * @param string $which PROCEDURE | FUNCTION | EVENT | VIEW * @param string $name the procedure|function|event|view name * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return string the definition */ function PMA_DBI_get_definition($db, $which, $name, $link = null) { $returned_field = array( 'PROCEDURE' => 'Create Procedure', 'FUNCTION' => 'Create Function', 'EVENT' => 'Create Event', 'VIEW' => 'Create View' ); $query = 'SHOW CREATE ' . $which . ' ' . PMA_Util::backquote($db) . '.' . PMA_Util::backquote($name); return(PMA_DBI_fetch_value($query, 0, $returned_field[$which])); } /** * returns details about the TRIGGERs for a specific table or database * * @param string $db db name * @param string $table table name * @param string $delimiter the delimiter to use (may be empty) * * @return array information about triggers (may be empty) */ function PMA_DBI_get_triggers($db, $table = '', $delimiter = '//') { if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { // Drizzle doesn't support triggers return array(); } $result = array(); if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) { // Note: in http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/faqs-triggers.html // their example uses WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA='dbname' so let's use this // instead of WHERE EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA='dbname' $query = 'SELECT TRIGGER_SCHEMA, TRIGGER_NAME, EVENT_MANIPULATION' . ', EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE, ACTION_TIMING, ACTION_STATEMENT' . ', EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA, EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE, DEFINER' . ' FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS' . ' WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA= \'' . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($db) . '\''; if (! empty($table)) { $query .= " AND EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE = '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table) . "';"; } } else { $query = "SHOW TRIGGERS FROM " . PMA_Util::backquote($db); if (! empty($table)) { $query .= " LIKE '" . PMA_Util::sqlAddSlashes($table, true) . "';"; } } if ($triggers = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($query)) { foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS']) { $trigger['TRIGGER_NAME'] = $trigger['Trigger']; $trigger['ACTION_TIMING'] = $trigger['Timing']; $trigger['EVENT_MANIPULATION'] = $trigger['Event']; $trigger['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE'] = $trigger['Table']; $trigger['ACTION_STATEMENT'] = $trigger['Statement']; $trigger['DEFINER'] = $trigger['Definer']; } $one_result = array(); $one_result['name'] = $trigger['TRIGGER_NAME']; $one_result['table'] = $trigger['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE']; $one_result['action_timing'] = $trigger['ACTION_TIMING']; $one_result['event_manipulation'] = $trigger['EVENT_MANIPULATION']; $one_result['definition'] = $trigger['ACTION_STATEMENT']; $one_result['definer'] = $trigger['DEFINER']; // do not prepend the schema name; this way, importing the // definition into another schema will work $one_result['full_trigger_name'] = PMA_Util::backquote( $trigger['TRIGGER_NAME'] ); $one_result['drop'] = 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ' . $one_result['full_trigger_name']; $one_result['create'] = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' . $one_result['full_trigger_name'] . ' ' . $trigger['ACTION_TIMING']. ' ' . $trigger['EVENT_MANIPULATION'] . ' ON ' . PMA_Util::backquote($trigger['EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE']) . "\n" . ' FOR EACH ROW ' . $trigger['ACTION_STATEMENT'] . "\n" . $delimiter . "\n"; $result[] = $one_result; } } // Sort results by name $name = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { $name[] = $value['name']; } array_multisort($name, SORT_ASC, $result); return($result); } /** * Formats database error message in a friendly way. * This is needed because some errors messages cannot * be obtained by mysql_error(). * * @param int $error_number Error code * @param string $error_message Error message as returned by server * * @return string HML text with error details */ function PMA_DBI_formatError($error_number, $error_message) { if (! empty($error_message)) { $error_message = PMA_DBI_convert_message($error_message); } $error_message = htmlspecialchars($error_message); $error = '#' . ((string) $error_number); if ($error_number == 2002) { $error .= ' - ' . $error_message; $error .= '
'; $error .= __( 'The server is not responding (or the local server\'s socket' . ' is not correctly configured).' ); } elseif ($error_number == 2003) { $error .= ' - ' . $error_message; $error .= '
' . __('The server is not responding.'); } elseif ($error_number == 1005) { if (strpos($error_message, 'errno: 13') !== false) { $error .= ' - ' . $error_message; $error .= '
' . __('Please check privileges of directory containing database.'); } else { /* InnoDB contraints, see * http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ * innodb-foreign-key-constraints.html */ $error .= ' - ' . $error_message . ' (' . __('Details…') . ')'; } } else { $error .= ' - ' . $error_message; } return $error; } /** * Checks whether given schema is a system schema: information_schema * (MySQL and Drizzle) or data_dictionary (Drizzle) * * @param string $schema_name Name of schema (database) to test * @param bool $test_for_mysql_schema Whether 'mysql' schema should * be treated the same as IS and DD * * @return bool */ function PMA_is_system_schema($schema_name, $test_for_mysql_schema = false) { return strtolower($schema_name) == 'information_schema' || (!PMA_DRIZZLE && strtolower($schema_name) == 'performance_schema') || (PMA_DRIZZLE && strtolower($schema_name) == 'data_dictionary') || ($test_for_mysql_schema && !PMA_DRIZZLE && $schema_name == 'mysql'); } /** * Get regular expression which occur first inside the given sql query. * * @param Array $regex_array Comparing regular expressions. * @param String $query SQL query to be checked. * * @return String Matching regular expression. */ function PMA_getFirstOccurringRegularExpression($regex_array, $query) { $minimum_first_occurence_index = null; $regex = null; for ($i = 0; $i < count($regex_array); $i++) { if (preg_match($regex_array[$i], $query, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { if (is_null($minimum_first_occurence_index) || ($matches[0][1] < $minimum_first_occurence_index) ) { $regex = $regex_array[$i]; $minimum_first_occurence_index = $matches[0][1]; } } } return $regex; } ?>