display(); exit; } ?>
ajax clock
> '."\n"; ?>

'; printf(__('File may be compressed (%s) or uncompressed.'), implode(", ", $compressions)); echo '
'; echo __('A compressed file\'s name must end in .[format].[compression]. Example: .sql.zip'); echo '
'; }?>
display(); } elseif (!empty($cfg['UploadDir'])) { echo PMA_Util::getSelectUploadFileBlock($import_list, $cfg['UploadDir']); } // end if (web-server upload directory) ?>
' . __('Character set of the file:') . ''; reset($cfg['AvailableCharsets']); echo '
'; } else { echo '' . "\n"; echo PMA_generateCharsetDropdownBox(PMA_CSDROPDOWN_CHARSET, 'charset_of_file', 'charset_of_file', 'utf8', false); } // end if (recoding) ?>

' . "\n"; echo ''; echo sprintf(__('Previous import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d.'), $offset) . ''; echo '
' . "\n"; } ?>

Scroll down to fill in the options for the selected format and ignore the options for other formats.